Plugin Tag: button
Download buttons for Youtube videos
(0 total ratings)[ ✅ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐒 b𝓎 𝒫𝓊𝓋𝑜𝓍 ] Add download buttons for any Youtube video with Shortcodes
TNK SNS share link buttons
(0 total ratings)It creates link buttons to the target blog article page for sharing SNS services.
Zedna Social Share Floating Buttons
(0 total ratings)Show floating social share buttons on the side and size you want.
Red Button
(1 total ratings)Adds css for a red button that matches the default blue button of WordPress 3.5.
LogInOut button
(1 total ratings)Заменяет [LogInOut] в виджете "html" ("Внешний вид"->"Виджеты") на кнопку "Вход редактора/Выйти". Фильтр.
The Feedback Button
(1 total ratings)Add a feedback button and collect visitor feedback with a click of a button.
BAW Like Unlike
(0 total ratings)Add boutons for "Like" or "Unlike" (can be set up) your posts and pages.
Google Plus Page shortcode
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to add links to a Google+ Page with simple shortcode
OrbitCarrot CTA Widget Manager
(1 total ratings)The easiest way to create Call to Actions as widgets on your Wordpress site. Customize your own CTA style or use pre-designed ones.
Advanced Button Block
(3 total ratings)Lets you add a fully customizable button block in Gutenberg editor.
Responsive Share Button
(0 total ratings)This plugin will add a WhatsApp share button into your every posts when visitor view your site mobile device.
AH Shortcodes
(1 total ratings)This is a simple shortcode generator. Add buttons, columns, tabs, toggles and alerts to your theme.
STOMT – Instant Feedback Button
(2 total ratings)Add STOMT's instant feedback widget to your wordpress site.
WebRTC Softphone
(0 total ratings)WebRTC Softphone for Sip Calling with motion animate icon at the bottom of your site.
Multipurpose CSS3 Animated Buttons
(0 total ratings)Replace your old fashioned buttons with Multipurpose CSS3 Animated Buttons.
Buton de Follow
(0 total ratings)Un widget care îi oferă vizitatorului posibilitatea să te urmărească pe Twitter.
Button Generator
(0 total ratings)Easy and simple create booking, shopping cart, payment plugin code, just copy and paste to your website