Plugin Tag: view
View Admin As
(48 total ratings)Zeigen Sie den WordPress-Admin als eine andere Rolle oder einen anderen Besucher an, wechseln Sie zwischen Benutzern, ändern Sie vorübergehend Ihre Berechtigungen und legen Sie Bildschirmeinstellungen für Rollen fest.
Link View
(11 total ratings)Display a link-list or link-slider in a post or page by using a shortcode.
Simple Post Views Count
(4 total ratings)Count visitor views for your posts [ALSO, READ OUR RECOMMENDATION].
Publish View
(3 total ratings)Adds a button so you can save Publish or save Draft and view in one step.
Subpage List
(0 total ratings)Using widgets, shortcodes and a built-in WordPress method, this plugin enables you to efficiently show a table of contents or a list of subpages to a …
Shortcode for Google Street View
(5 total ratings)Adds a shortcode for embedding Google Street View content into your Wordpress Site. Embed directly, or embed a thumbnail that opens a tour as an over …
Improved Cron
(5 total ratings)Keep WP-Cron running every minute for scheduled tasks without actually using Cron.
Simple Google Street View
(2 total ratings)Adds the functionality for Google Street View windows to your posts and pages without the need of a google API key.
Jetpack Popular Posts
(1 total ratings)Using Jetpack stats, this widget will display the most popular posts.
DP Post Views Counter
(1 total ratings)The plugin show how many people have viewed an article on the site.
MaxiCharts Gravity View Add-on
(1 total ratings)Extends MaxiCharts plugin with feature to filter entries on Gravity View approval status. Requires installation of both [Maxicharts](https://wordpress …
(0 total ratings)This plugin will let you track which pages your users who are logged in are viewing. It logs the username, ip, datetime, referer and url viewed.
MaxiCharts Query Builder Add-on
(2 total ratings)Extends MaxiCharts plugin adding the famous Query Builder js widget in order to filter gravity forms entries real time via front end.
miniExtensions Gallery for Airtable
(0 total ratings)[youtube] Display Airtable records as if they're part of your site. Generate a gallery of records th …
WooCommerce View
(5 total ratings)Front-end Product listing of woocommerce can be beautifully listed on list view, date view, grid view and map view with sorting options.
Simplicy top posts most viewed
(0 total ratings)Simplicy top posts most viewed is a Widget displays your most visited section in your sidebar.